A note from the authors: Some of the information and instructions in this book are now out of date because of changes to Hugo and the blogdown package. If you have suggestions for improving this book, please file an issue in our GitHub repository. Thanks for your patience while we work to update the book, and please stay tuned for the revised version!
In the meantime, you can find an introduction to the changes and new features in the v1.0 release blog post and this "Up & running with blogdown in 2021" blog post.
— Yihui, Amber, & Alison
Chapter 2 Hugo
在本章中,我们将简要介绍 blogdown 所基于的静态站点生成器 Hugo (https://gohugo.io)。本章并不是要取代 Hugo 官方文档,而是为那些刚刚开始使用 Hugo 的人提供一个指南。如有疑问,请查阅 Hugo 官方文档。